Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Reader's Response Term 2

As we begin this new term, you are expected to select and read books consistently. They can be from our classroom library, the school library or from your own personal collection.
Each week, you are required to complete three of the questions/prompts below and hand it in at the end of the week to be marked. You may choose from any of the questions/prompts below. On some weeks, Mlle. Corsino will provide you with reading strategy questions to complete instead of using the ones below. Each response should be one proper paragraph in length.
*Please complete 3 questions/prompts each week

As per our conversation in class, this will continue for 9 weeks. You will be given an opportunity to drop your lowest mark.  I will then calculate the average for the remaining 8 marks.

Reading Response Reflective Prompts and Questions:
-I wonder what this means…
-I really don’t understand this part…
-I really like/dislike this idea/event…
-This character reminds me of…
-This setting/scene reminds me of…
-A character I most admire is________ because…
-When reading I felt very __________ because…
-Something I wish has happened instead…
-Something I wish the author had included was…
-My opinion of __________ changed when….
-One major question I still have….



Reading Log


Please fill in the chart as you read your books this year, this will allow you to keep track of the books you read throughout the year.


Date Started
Date Completed


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