Monday, 21 September 2015

Mlle. Corsino's Reader's Response Schedule

Readers Response Conference Schedule


***Remember, you will come to the conference with your notebook containing the jot notes you made while reading your novel.  You will also come with your final piece.  Make sure you are able to explain it. ***



Monday October 19th
Tuesday October20th
Wednesday October 21st
Thursday October 22nd
Friday October 23rd
Monday October 26th
Tuesday October 27th
Wednesday October 28th
Thursday October 29th
Friday October 30th




Monday November 23rd
Tuesday November 24th
Wednesday November 25th
Thursday November 26th
Friday November 27th
Monday November 30th
Tuesday December 1st
Wednesday December 2nd
Thursday December 3rd
Friday December 4th


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Monday, 14 September 2015

Learning Skills Success Criteria - Mlle. Corsino's Class

Here is the success criteria that we made together in class for all of the learning skills. This is the criteria that we will be using for the school year!

Success Criteria
I can…
  • try to answer questions on my own before asking peers and my teacher.
  • identify my strengths in school work.
  •  and then ask for help when I need it.
  • set realistic goals that I can achieve.
  • pay attention to the teacher.
  • listen to my classmates.
  • think before I speak and act.
  • raise my hand instead of shouting out.
                                    Independent Work
                             Success Criteria
I can…
  • focus on the work I have been assigned without distracting my classmates.
  • use success criteria, rubrics and checklists to complete my work.
  • work silently when necessary.
  • avoid talking to my friends.
  • complete the activity or assignment.
  • Use feedback from the teacher when reviewing my work and deciding what changes need to be made. 
Success Criteria
I can…
  • put effort into my work and make sure I am always doing my best work.
  • have a positive attitude towards learning.
  • help someone when I see that they need help.
  • be motivated to complete assigned tasks.
  • take risks and be open to learning new things.
  • ask questions to learn more.
  • find out from a friend what I missed when I was away.
Success Criteria
I can…
  • use class time wisely.
  • keep my workspace neat.
  • put handouts inside the right duotang.
  • Make a list of school work and figure out which assignments to do first based on when they are due.
  • finish my work on time.
  • use my agenda and classroom tools to assist me with organizing my work. (Ex: the homework board)
                                         Collaboration                                          Success Criteria
   I can…
  •  respect my peers.
  • participate in group activities.
  • listen to what my peers have to say.
  • Share my ideas to help my group solve problems and make decisions.
  • be a team player.
  • complete my share of the work to the best of my ability.

    Success Criteria
I can…
  •  follow the school and classroom rules.
  • finish my work on time.
  • come prepared with all necessary materials.
  • respect the property of others and the classroom environment.
  • write and sign my agenda.
  • study for tests and assignments.
  • Accept consequences for my choices, think about who I have affected, and take steps to make it better.

Virtues Scrapbook Assignment & Rubric

   Faith     Empathy     Conscience     Hope    Self-Control     Respect    Kindness    Love     Acceptance     Fairness

Virtues Scrapbook

“Let your actions speak louder than your words”

Each month we celebrate, pray about and discuss the virtues rooted in Catholic Christian Tradition, within our class and school community.  We make an effort to treat other people in our lives according to the qualities of these virtues.  Through reflection, we visualize and think about something carefully.  Every day, you learn about, observe and practice examples of the virtues in your actions and experiences with the people in your life.   

On a monthly basis, you will be required to complete a virtue reflection.  Your reflection will be based on your own personal ideas and opinions, relevant to the monthly virtue being examined.  You will also be required to have 3 pieces of evidence of this virtue in action.  The evidence can be displayed through photographs, drawings, mementoes or a note from someone explaining how you completed the virtue.  With the reflection and evidence you will create a scrapbook.  The scrapbook will be marked at two separate times.  Once in December covering September to December’s Virtues.  The second time will be in June covering January to June’s virtues.  The goal is to show how you have grown throughout the year.  It will be important to not fall behind each month.  You will be given class time to start the rough draft of each reflection. 


You may use the following criteria to give you direction and help as you write your thoughts feelings and understanding of the virtue as well as the virtue in action:

  • Explain your understanding of what the virtue is and what it means
  • Identify and explain the significance of the virtue (why do we need this?)
  • Explain your evidence and reflect on your feelings that you gained about the virtue
  • Check your writing.  Does it make sense? Proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.

Your reflection should be a minimum of one page, double spaced.


Evidence examples:

-Helping around the school (teacher, other students)  -caring for a younger sibling

-caring for the environment                                    - helping a neighbor

Try to be creative each month.  Examples should not be repeated from month to month


Virtue Scrapbook Rubric


Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Understanding of the virtues
-uses own words
-demonstrates understanding
Student defines virtues with limited or no use of own ideas to demonstrate understanding. 
Student defines virtue with simple ideas. 
Student defines virtues in own words using relevant and thoughtful ideas.
Student defines virtues in own words with complex ideas.
Evidence of Virtues
Student provides limited or no examples of the virtues
Student provides some examples of the virtues.
Student provides three relevant examples of the virtues
Student provides thoughtful examples of the virtues that demonstrate a thorough understanding
Significance of the Virtues
Does not identify with the importance of the virtue in relation to Christian values
Identifies with the importance of the virtue in relation to Christian values, with a simple explanation
Identifies with the importance of the virtue in relation to Christian values, with a clear and relevant explanation
Identifies with the importance of the virtue in relation to Christian values, with a clear and thoughtful explanation
Personal Reflection
Little to no reflection using limited or thoughts, feelings and opinion
A simple reflection using some thoughts, feelings and opinion
A reflection using a considerable amount of detailed thoughts, feelings and opinion
An in depth reflection using detailed thoughts, feelings and opinions
Little attempt to add color or originality. Project has sloppy appearance. Rushed to complete. 
Some attempt made to add color and originality. Project is neat, but appears to be rushed.
Good creative effort. Project is neat and shows evidence of time spent on it.
Project is excellently presented reflecting creativity and a lot of thought.